A few years ago, I read Ann Voskamp’s book, One Thousand Gifts. It was such a beautiful reminder to be intentionally grateful. As a family, we were experiencing a season of grumbling and I thought it would be a good idea to incorporate some thankfulness into our lives.
So I made a poster.
I incorporated words from the book. I wrote Eucharisteo, which means Thanksgiving in Greek, on the top. I wrote the words grace and joy, eucharisteo’s root words, on either side and Thanksgiving on the bottom. I hung the poster on the wall next to our dining table with some markers. Each night before anyone could eat, we had to write down something for which we were thankful.
At first, there was some groaning. The kids weren’t sure what to write. I told them the goal was not to make it too elaborate or complicated; it could be those little blessings that are easily overlooked. The wonderful thing is, over time, it became easier to think of things as we all began to look for blessings throughout the day. We became intentional.
And we experienced a change in our house. Our conversations at dinner consisted of sharing all the great things that happened throughout the day. There was less complaining, more gratitude, and more joy. It was wonderful.
We did it for one month, but I left the poster up for a couple of years. It was a great reminder of all our blessings and gifts from God. Blessings that might have otherwise been forgotten.
When I got it out today, it was fun to read the things we wrote down. A friend’s laugh. Rain during football practice. Our dog. Cake batter. Whistling. Dad coming home. Friends and family. It made me smile.
And again I was reminded of all our gifts.