I saw a story the other day where a girl’s high school basketball team let their manager with special needs play in the last game of the season. The coach talked to the other team about her playing. They agreed that they would give the girl a little more room and grace during the game. She was able to make at least one basket and was thrilled about getting to play. It’s a story we’ve heard before… The boy with down syndrome gets asked to prom. The girl with disabilities is crowned homecoming queen. The sports manager gets to make the winning shot. Those kinds of stories usually make me cry.
But I have to be honest. Even though I like hearing the stories of special things done for our special kids, they frustrate me. I think it’s great that these kids get a star moment, but as a mom, I want more for my son. He doesn’t want to play for some time in the last game of the season, he wants a chance to play some during the entire season. He doesn’t want to get asked to prom just because it’s nice, he wants to go with someone who wants a relationship with him. He doesn’t want to be asked to hang out for one special occasion, he wants to be asked on a regular basis.
My son knows that he’s different, but isn’t really sure what makes him so. He’s friendly and nice, but he knows that he doesn’t get invited to do things like his siblings. He tries to be social and follow the norms, but knows that he falls short somehow. It’s heartbreaking to watch. So while I appreciate all the special days, I want more. And so does my son…
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